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Standard UK Visitor Visa

Apply With Ease With our Standard UK Visitor Visa Service 

You can apply for a visa that lasts two, five, or ten years. Each has its own application costs. However, you can only stay for six months on each visit. This visa permits you to conduct permitted business activities in the UK and activities you may need to undertake as a part of an overseas job role.

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Expert Advice

Bad advice can lead to delays and refusals you can’t afford to risk. That’s why we assign a subject matter expert – a UK immigration associate – to manage your case throughout.

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Efficient Service

You will receive your own dedicated member of our team. This will ensure your case is dealt with promptly and avoid any lengthy delays. 

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Fixed Fees

No one wants to be worried about runaway legal costs. Our services have fixed fees so you know exactly how much you need to pay, with no nasty surprises down the line.

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What can the Standard Visitor Visa be used for?

The Standard Visitor visa has replaced the Business Visitor Visa, Family Visitor Visa, Child Visitor visa, Student Visitor Visa (short term of 6 months), Sports Visitor visa, Entertainer Visitor Visa, Prospective Entrepreneur visa and the Private Medical Treatment Visitor visa.

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What are the Costs to Apply for a Standard Visitor Visa UK? 

Below are the current application fees for the Standard Visitor Visa UK. These fees are subject to change. You can find the up-to-date visa application fees by visiting the gov website.

Standard Visitor visa

Fee – £115

Maximum length of stay – 6 months

For medical reasons

Fee – £200

Maximum length of stay – 11 months

For Academics

Fee – £200

Maximum length of stay – 12 months

Two year long-term Standard Visitor visa

Fee – £400

Maximum length of stay – 6 months per visit

Five year long-term Standard Visitor visa

Fee – £771

Maximum length of stay – 6 months

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Ten year long-term Standard Visitor visa

Fee – £963

Maximum length of stay – 6 months

What are the permitted business activities associated with the standard Visitor Visa? 

This is not an exhaustive list of business activities but is intended as a guide to business activities that may be carried out under a visitor visa.

You can visit the UK for up to 6 months to do the following business activities:

(a) attend meetings, conferences, seminars, interviews, and
(b) give a one-off or short series of talks and speeches provided these are not organised as commercial events and will not make a profit for the organiser; and
(c) negotiate and sign deals and contracts, and
(d) attend trade fairs, for promotional work only, provided the Visitor is not directly selling; and
(e) carry out site visits and inspections; and
(f) gather information for their employment overseas, and
(g) be briefed on the requirements of a UK-based customer, provided any work for the customer is done outside of the UK.

If an individual is an employee of an overseas company they may:

(a) advise and consult; and
(b) trouble-shoot; and
(c) provide training, and
(d) share skills and knowledge;
On a specific internal project with UK employees of the same corporate group, provided no work is carried out directly with clients. An internal auditor may carry out regulatory or financial audits at a UK branch of the same group of companies as the Visitor’s employer overseas.

Individuals employed outside the UK may visit the UK to take part in the following activities in relation to their employment overseas:

(a) a translator and/or interpreter may translate and/or interpret in the UK as an employee of an enterprise located overseas; or
(b) personal assistants and bodyguards may support an overseas business person in carrying out permitted activities, provided they will attend the same event(s) as the business person and are employed by them outside the UK. They must not be providing personal care or domestic work for the business person; or
(c) a tour group courier, contracted to a company with its headquarters outside the UK, who is entering and departing the UK with a tour group organised by their company; or
(d) a journalist, correspondent, producer or cameraman gathering information for an overseas publication, programme or film; or
(e) archaeologists taking part in a one-off archaeological excavation; or
(f) a professor from an overseas academic institution accompanying students to the UK as part of a study abroad programme, may provide a small amount of teaching to the students at the host organisation providing this does not amount to filling a permanent teaching role for that institution; or
(g) market researchers and analysts may conduct market research or analysis for an enterprise located outside the UK.

We do not provide free legal advice. However, if you would like to instruct us to assess the right visa applicable to you and assist with the relevant application

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What is a Permitted Paid Engagement (PPE Visitor)? 

Lawyers, Academics, Experts, Pilot examiners, Professional artists, Entertainers, Musicians or Sportspersons may be able to utilise the PPE Visitor route under specific circumstances. See below:

(a) an academic who is highly qualified within their field of expertise, coming to examine students and/or participate in or chair selection panels, and have been invited by a UK higher education institution, or a UK-based research or arts organisation as part of that institution or organisation’s quality assurance processes; and
(b) an expert coming to give lectures in their subject area, where they have been invited by a higher education institution, or a UK-based research or arts organisation, and this does not amount to filling a teaching position for the host organisation; and
(c) an overseas designated pilot examiner coming to assess UK-based pilots to ensure they meet the national aviation regulatory requirements of other countries, where they have been invited by an approved training organisation based in the UK that is regulated by the UK Civil Aviation Authority for that purpose; and
(d) a qualified lawyer coming to provide advocacy for a court or tribunal hearing, arbitration or other form of dispute resolution for legal proceedings within the UK, where they have been invited by a client; and
(e) a professional artist, entertainer, or musician coming to carry out an activity directly relating to their profession, where they have been invited by a creative (arts or entertainment) organisation, agent or broadcaster based in the UK; and
(f) a Professional Sportsperson coming to carry out an activity directly relating to their profession, where they have been invited by a sports organisation, agent, or broadcaster based in the UK.

In order to utilise the PPE Visitor route one must:

Be aged 18 or over on the date of application, and the Permitted Paid Engagement must be;

(a) arranged before the applicant travels to the UK; and
(b) declared as part of the application for entry clearance or permission to enter the UK; and
(c) evidenced by a formal invitation, and
(d) relate to the applicant’s area of expertise and occupation overseas

We do not provide free legal advice. However, if you would like to instruct us to assess the right visa applicable to you and assist with the relevant application