Ryanair’s Uk Pilots continue to strike today over pensions; loss of licence insurance; maternity benefits; allowances; amongst other things.
On Wednesday instead of negotiating with the Pilots’ Union Ryanair bosses attempted to stop the Strike from going ahead through the High court. https://www.balpa.org/Media-Centre/Press-Releases/Ryanair-Pilots-walk-out-in-strong-message-to-manag
BALPA (British Airline Pilots’ Association) was successful in the High Court meaning that the Strike could go ahead.
Brian Strutton, BALPA General Secretary, said this on the matter: taken from the BALPA post (Ryanair Pilots walkout in a strong message to management)
“Time and again, Ryanair management has shown its head is in the sand when it comes to its workforce. We’ve tried on numerous occasions to get them round the negotiating table, but they flatly refuse.
“But their pilots are determined to be heard. Our argument is not with passengers but with the company, and we hope this walkout will signal the resolve of our members.
“Ryanair pilots simply want to bring about change in the company that will ensure its workforce are entitled to benefits that are seen across aviation in many other companies.
“The figures bandied about by Ryanair when it comes to our pay claim are simply ridiculous, bumped up, fictitious spin.”
“Ryanair needs to wake up to the reality that its pilots are determined to seek change. They need to put a serious offer on the table so that this industrial action, brought about by the company’s flat refusal to even look at the needs of its workforce and passengers, can be brought to an end.”
Ryanair, yesterday performed well without the Pilots. However, for the rest of today, only time will tell. Ryanair’s defiance against its staff members could cause many issues down the line, and this could be a very turbulent time for the no-thrills airline and its staff.
If your flight has been affected by Strike, read our guide on your rights if your flight is delayed or cancelled.